I remember crying when I was younger, thinking I would never meet the one person who made me whole. It seemed everyone around me was in a 'relationship'. Although happy in all other aspects of my life, I knew there was something missing. And then I met him.
It wasn't love at first sight. Sure there was a physical attraction, but I know the difference between love and lust. I've had friends who didn't know that difference and later learned it the hard way. Even with that hard earned knowledge, they continued to throw themselves out there with abandon....because they too felt that longing to make a connection. The satisfaction of completion.
I think of our relations with people, and in particular the relations with our significant others, like a jigsaw puzzle. Sometimes the pieces fit together easily, but the picture doesn't make sense. Sometimes you know it just has to fit, but try as hard as you like you can't get them to come together. Sometimes it takes many pieces interlocking before you can guess what the picture is supposed to look like. Sometimes there is only one piece that could ever fit.
I want everyone to find the matching piece that completes the puzzle of their lives. Sometimes that other piece is a gorgeous member of the opposite sex who shares your beliefs and wants exactly the same things out of life as you. Sometimes they might be your complete opposite, but the compliment that balances you and keeps you from going to far. They may be the same sex. They may be a different race. They may be mentally or physically challenged. It doesn't matter when you get right down to it. Two halves make a whole, and we all want to be whole people....don't we?
Finding your soul mate in a population of billions is difficult enough without putting up roadblocks and stipulations as to why they can't be. Love is a wonderful thing. Everyone deserves it.
Happy Anniversary to my husband and soul mate! Although we may question exactly where all the pieces go, I wouldn't want to put this puzzle together with anyone else but you.
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