Wednesday, November 17, 2010

There are whole years for which I hope I'll never be cross-examined, for I could not give an alibi. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960

Pardon my lateness in posting to this blog.   I have (and have not) been busy. 

I recently started a new part time job.  It monopolizes a whopping 25 hours of my week.  I am left with only 143 hours left in the week.  Subtract 56 hours for sleep (if I'm lucky), 21 hours for the preparation and eating of meals, 20 hours on line with e-mail and Facebook, 19 hours reading or watching television, 10 hours running errands and grocery shopping, 7 hours for health and beauty functions, 6 hours walking the dog, and at least 4 hours of 'quality' time with the family. 

Okay, so some of the times are estimations and may overlap each other.  Truth is I seem to pack a lot of nothing into my week.  I lay in bed at night, tired and exhausted, but can't seem to say what I've accomplished.  I know I can't be alone in this.

Granted, I'm not the Uber Mom who has a color coded chart cross referenced with sticky notes and entered into her blackberry detailing every move of every family member.  I've always been a go with the flow kind of gal.  My question is, do you really benefit by such meticulous structuring of your life?  By cramming more in, what do you gain?

I think every now and then you have to have nothing to do.  A little down time.  By not over scheduling yourself, you give yourself permission to enjoy the time as it passes.  It allows you to actually experience things and perhaps make a lasting memory.  I encourage you to reduce your schedules and increase the time spent with the more important your loved ones.

Four hours a week is not quality time!

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