Times are tough...but I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. It seems life has no shortage of pits to fall in.
I have been tight rope walking over those pits for years now. Sometimes I've slipped and dangled by my fingertips; sometimes I had to retie the rope before it frayed and dropped me into the chasm below.
But there are also beautiful parasols that help me maintain my balance. Occasionally there will be snippets of carnival music and cheers from the crowd offering encouragement. And all the time I continue putting one foot in front of the other as I keep my eye on the goal at the end of the rope...firm ground.
I have friends who 'talk' to me about the good times that are long gone. Back before the wars and the deficit and the lay offs. A time back when we were all younger and full of hope and our future was so bright we had to wear shades. They lament their current life and it frustrates me to no end to listen to them. They forget the problems of their youth and refuse to acknowledge the good in their present.
Yes, there are a ton of issues we need to deal with today. I can't help but share in the stress of my friends who no longer have jobs or homes, or have ever increasing bills but ever decreasing income, or especially those who are touched by the terrible loss that war brings. These problems are real, but giving up or wallowing in self pity does not fix these problems.
We have to keep walking the tight rope. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Our problems are just minor tremors in the rope. You may have to step over a knot or two on your path...but that just means someone walked this same rope before you. If they got to the other side then so can you. I'll be there to cheer you on.
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