Friday, October 29, 2010

"I see you shiver with antici-..." Tim Curry as Dr. Frank N. Furter in 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'

Article first published as Nuggets of Wisdom- My Not--So-Secret Crush on Technorati.

This will come as no surprise to my friends or family.... I have crush on Tim Curry.

This comes up mostly during Halloween since revivals of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' are so prolific this time of year.  Oddly enough, Rocky Horror was not my introduction to Mr. Curry.

I think the first time I saw him was in the movie 'Clue.'  Always a sucker for comedy, I loved his quirky character.  It was during promo interviews for the movie that I learned about his earlier movie and his singing career.  I was intrigued.

I then saw him in the movie 'Legend.'  He played Darkness, complete with horns and a latex enhanced physique.  Yum.  Even though the body and the voice were enhanced, there was an allure.  I became mildly obsessed with Tim. (Seeing as how he was starting to play a part in some of my dreams, I think I should be on a first name basis with him.)

I began hearing his voice in cartoons, commercials, books on tape, and guest appearances on television.  He even did a movie with the Muppets.  Now he was in the big time!  Even though his characters were varied, there was a certain sexy Tim-ness in everything he did.

Then came the horrible realization.  He is the same age as my father.  <gasp>  Can a man old enough to be your father be 'sexy'?  How about when he gets a little pudgy and no longer looks good in a bustier?  Can you still have a crush if you're not even sure if you and your crushie play on the same team.

The answer is YES.  A crush is not about the crushie.  It is about the fantasy we develop around the object of our crush.  Tim Curry will forever be the Grand Wizard from 'The Worst Witch' to me.  I will strut my stuff to his crooning of "Sweet Transvestite."  I would listen to him read the phone book with relish if he chose to do it.  It's not about him, it's about me.

Ultimately that is the problem with so many crushes.  We get caught up in our fantasy version of the other person.  Maybe that is why so many people have difficulty staying in relationships.  They fall in love with the crush and then are crushed by the reality.  I am, however, content to crush from the distance of time and space.  I will hold onto my fantasy but not begrudge the reality.  There is room for both in my world.

Oh, yeah....


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